Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 6 - Fairy Tales

If you were to stop reading this blog right now it would have the perfect “happily ever after” ending. I don’t think I could have scripted it better. Everything is better than I dreamed. Fairy tale complete.

When this depth of goodness is spilled at my doorstep I want to soak it in like a sponge. But I know life won’t always be like this. Without warning the rainy fertile places can become bone dry. Ethiopians know that better than anyone.

Real love is proved in the most difficult times in life. The Waal family has experienced those challenges many more times than we planned. We wouldn’t want to repeat them, but they’ve shaped us and deepened our love for each other and our Creator. I know there are tough times and challenges waiting for us, many of which we know nothing about right now. In other words, the Fairy Tale may take a difficult turn. None of us can see around every corner. Sometimes what waits isn’t what we desire. Those tough days, not these, are when our love for our kids will be shown for what it really is. I hope I’ve been the kind of Dad who has that kind of love. It’s been shown to me. I want to pass it on to my kids.


  1. I believe that the challenges your family has faced in the past has forged a God-given resilence in you all, and has paved the way for this new chapter. Yes, the level of the inevitable, occational tough times will be matched and exceeded by the level of committment and love you have for each other.

    And know your friends and family will be there, as a community, to lend support, wisdom, respite, and love every step of the way.

    It's all good...even when it's bad.

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I have had the privilege of knowing your parents and family. I can say that they have instilled in you great faith and a resilence that will help you through the toughest of times. Just as you have a great heritage in your parents and grandparents, you are now equipped to pass godly character on to the generations that follow you. Thank God for Christian parents that have modeled love and faith to us!
    Sue Van Hal

  3. As I am following your blog each day, I just get so excited for all of you! What a wonderful thing God has called you to. Neti and Meke couldn't have a better family! Thank you. For all you've done in your time at ONC. Thank you. For being an amazing example of the love that Christ has given to us all. God is good. All the time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always!

  4. I just had to comment to let you know how happy I am for you! You left one of the first comments on my blog (right after Mary from Owlhaven :) and I remember finding yours - and now you're with your new daughters - how wonderful!! Congratulations to your whole family and I wish you all the best!

  5. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Tracy...the girls are absolutely beautiful!...You all look so happy together and we know it's the beginning of a brand new journey God has planned for you and your wonderful family!!! have been such a inspiration to so many teens and getting to know you over the past year has been such a blessing...Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with you throughout the next few weeks!...We miss you here in St. Louis but we know you are following the calls of God!!!....
    We love you and miss you!!!
    God Bless
    <3 Ali Erickson & Lauren Daniels

  6. Anonymous1:08 AM

    *Hey Tracy it's amazing that you adopted your two new daughters. You will be a great father for them. They are so adorable. Hopefully you bring them two events so I can meet them. Your amazing and fun Tracy. Have Fun!!!*

  7. Tracy & Rhonda. I am so excited that the Lord has opened these doors in your lives. I remember so clearly when this journey began, the first conversation we had, the questions, the excitement, the possibility. It has happened so quickly, and I am once again amazed at your determination and dedication in every single thing you set your heart on. I am so excited to watch you serve these girls and adorn them with more love than they could imagine.

    Tracy. I admire you as a man of God. I love you like a brother. I thank God for your friendship. I can't wait to meet your new daughters. Peace Brother.

  8. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Oh my gosh those girls are so adorable! Congrats on adopting them and good luck parenting!

  9. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Hi, I know you don't know me but I from Bowling Green,Ohio and from the BG Naz. It sounds like you are happy nothing could go wrong and you know that there is going to rough time's. But it sounds like no matter what happens you'll be fine. Oh......yeah I think your kids are cute looking. They look happy with your family. That's good.

  10. Anonymous1:19 AM

    tracy Ronda bertha curlie nette and meke; im sooo excited about your new family i really cant wait for you all to get back so i can meet the girls (not that i dont want to see the rest of the waals). im really excited for you all and proud of the waal family for doing this wonderful thing. i cant wait to see you talk to all six of you soon!

    ~natalee p

  11. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Hey tracy i am so excited for you and the rest of your family. This was a very brave thing of you to do because you knew the troubles that you would face because of it but you kept with it which i really admire of you because you put all of your faith in God. that is one reason that I can look up to you as a role model. well i hopee that you have a safe trip home with the rest of your family. Thank you for being such a good youth pastor and a friend to all of us it really means alot to all of us

  12. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Hello I hope your trip was amazing! Your girls are adorable! Congrats on them and best wishes on fun times with them and the rest of their lives!

  13. Anonymous1:23 AM

    hey tracy!!!! im so excited for you and your family!!! i know the lord has planned many happy things to come with many special memories to cherish! i wish you all the best of luck and happiness!!!

    your friend,
    rachael reichley

    Ps:they are so so adorable!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Wow!! This is the first time that I have gotten onto your web page in a while. The kids are sooo cute! I can't not wait to see them when I get back from NYC.

    Tracy (dodster)- You have made all my years in youth group amazing. From the times when I have been standing on the mountain to the times that I have been in the desert, you have been there for me. I am having an amazing time at NYC this week and I thank you for talking me into going here. It is really turning into a life changing experience. THANK YOU!
    P.S. The word is fight fight fight for IOWA!
    P.P.S. You are my favorite youth pastor!!!! :)

    Rhonda (Ra-honda)- Thank you too for being there for me whenever I needed someone. I really appreciate how you have been with me, from being my cell group leader to being my accountabilty partner in core. THANK YOU!
    P.S. I hope you learn how to braid hair :)

    Bethany (Beege)- You are a great girl. You always make me smile whenever I'm around you. You have some amazing parents and you should be very thankful. I had fun watching you play some softball the other day.... you did great:)

    Kailey (curless)- You are so cute. You always make me have such a good time in kids factory on Sunday morings. You are a great dancer and know the moves wayyy better than me! I had fun hanging out with you the other day and going to Beege's softball game. We should do it again sometime!
    P.S. I have some really cute pictures of you, you can see them when you get home:)

    For when Neti and Meke when they can read...

    Neti- You are sooo cute. I have been praying for you from the day that I found out you were going to be a WAAL. Looking at your pictures made me want to cry tears of joy. I can't not wait to meet you and I hope we are friends for a real long time!
    P.S. If you mom won't braid your hair, I can hook you up:)

    Meke- You are adorable. I almost cried looking at your pictures too. I hope you are having a fun time with your new family and I can't wait to meet you too!!!!
    P.S. I can hook you up too!

    Well that is all I have to say. Sorry about the long long blog post but I guess it just makes up for the lack of posts I have made on your guys blog. Can't wait to see you all again! Love you all and miss you!!!

  15. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Tracy i love you and i hope you are having fun in Ethiopia with your two new girls. I hope you have a great time and talk with God while your down there and he tells you to stay at ONC because we dont want you to leave!!!!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous11:32 AM


    I know you have a bunch of comments on how cute Neti and Meke are but they are really cute. I loved the video on the wake up you got. My family is praying for your families journey home.

    I know you will be a great dad. Like James said you are a great man of God. I also admire you for this. I know you will follow God through all the days of your life here on earth. I know you will pass on the love to your girls.

    I set down with Angela and Lizzy the other night to go through your site. Lizzy asked a million questions. I had a hard time answering all the questions. Angela loved it. She really laughed at the video showing your leg room on the plane. She hopes you have more on your flight back.


    Jeff, Angela, and Elizabeth(Lizzy)
