Friday, July 13, 2007

Day 8 - Friday

I can't take too much time to blog today but I'll give a quick update. Rhonda's been sick and in the room all day today. Not a good thing since we fly home this evening. The rest of us went out and braved some more shops. We even visited the Mercado! That was quite an experience. The girls all stayed in the van with the driver while Girmachew and I went looking for the things on our list. Wall to wall people, animals, and vehicles!

We're frantically packing this afternoon for the long trip home. I'll blog more on the plane and then post it sometime after we get home.


  1. Praying for Rhonda to feel better and for good health and saftey on your trip home.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    poor little Rhonda! I love you! Just think, tomorrow you can have good ole' comfort food!

  3. Praying for you Rhonda!!! And praying for the rest of your family as you make your way home!


  4. Safe travels. Prayers said for Rhonda. Thanks for sharing your journey to the girls.

  5. Have a safe trip guys! We are praying for you!

    Rhonda, I hope you get better! I will be praying for your health. It is not fun to travel while sick.

    Tracy, I hear you will have some "gray" brats (I'm still not sure what that is) waiting for when you get home. Enjoy!

    Girls (all four), Have a safe and FUN trip home!

    We love you all! See you soon!

  6. We will be praying for your safe trip home. And for Rhonda to get well soon. We are so happy about the girls they look great. All four of them. Congratulations. Lenka and Fil from AWAA yahoo group

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  8. Have an enjoyable and safe journey home! I'm praying that everything goes smoothly for all of you!


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  10. Tracy, thanks for the update! sorry to hear you are sick. Hope you are feeling better soon so that the traveling won't be so hard!

    You all will be in my thoughts & prayers as you make your way back home. Can't wait to meet your new additions & see you all! Love & miss you!

  11. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Get well soon Rhonda =]

    [love and prayers]

  12. Hi there,

    I just found your blog and it touched me. We are hopefully leaving to go and pick up our 2 little girls from Ethiopia by then end of august. Your story has given me a glimpse of what is to come. what a beautiful family you have and God Bless
