Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day 9 - Finally Home!

A warm, sunny Ohio afternoon. Everyone's sleeping when we arrive home.

Neti and Meke in their bed. We couldn't rouse Neti so Meke got the first tour of home.
Meke helped Daddy with the cucumber harvest.

At 4:30 AM I was awakened by two little girls singing their ABCs with their new buddies.

First breakfast at home - generic Lucky Charms.


  1. Thanks for the reality of your first week with the girls. My wife and I hope to be receiving our referral for two children from Ethiopia by the end of the year. It's good to know a little of what to expect! God's blessings to your expanded family!

    -Gabriel Carpenter

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Were they the ptinces generic or the octopus? Life is good with lucky charms

    oh and i love the "effa"

  3. Anonymous12:42 AM

    CEREAL??? Our 2 new ones (ages 6 and 8), home for 3 weeks from Ethiopia, won't touch cereal. They sure eat a lot of Dabo (bread), though. But, no thank you to the cereal, said with finger wagging in our face!
