Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day 9 - Neti

We learned a lot about Netsanet on the way home. She's accustomed to being sister and Mom. Any time Meke cries Neti presses her way into the middle of the scene to wipe away her tears with the palm of her hand. Wherever there's a Meke misstep, Neti's right there to correct her. This little girl has taken on responsibilities far beyond her years. She's resilient. She's faced more change in her short little life than I've faced in my 36 years. She's full of poise and courage. Yet, she's still a little girl with an infectious laugh. I love her!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Its great that you will beable to give her childhood back. Love you all very much.
