Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Lesson in Parenting

Meke needs a nap every day. The problem? She doesn't like naps. She becomes very strong-willed when it comes to nap time.

Determined not to sleep a wink, we played the "in-bed, out-of-bed" game for about 10 minutes. The entire time Neti kept trying for my attention. "Daddy!" "Daddy!"

Deep in battle with a 3-year-old and determined to relieve Neti of the role of mother she has played for so long, I tried to dismiss her for just a few minutes. "Shhh, Neti. Meke sleep."

Finally after a few more unsuccessful tries at settling Meke down I turned my attention to Neti. She reached her arm out to an imaginary doorknob and pulled it violently toward her chest.

I got it. She wanted me to slam the door. I put Meke in bed, slammed the door, and waited on the other side for the sound of scuffling feet and tiny hands trying to turn the doorknob.


Meke was asleep within a few minutes. The wisdom of a child. Thanks Neti!


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  3. Sounds like it's going to be helpful having Neti around at the beginning. She sure has taken on a lot a responsibilty...must be an aweful special little girl!

  4. Anonymous1:34 AM

    welcome home...i just started reading your blog the other day from owlhaven. lovely story and what a great family. all the best - jcn

  5. Hi there,

    I just started following your blog. We are also adopting 2 little girls from Ethiopia...4 and 2. We hope to travel by the end of August. We are from Canada. I have really enjoyed reading about your experience and so has my husband. Your family is beautiful.

    God Bless

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I have recently started reading your blog and I have been coming back to read all the new experiences each of you are having every day! Your two new daughters are beatiful and I am greatful for you sharing your experience with all of us. I am looking to start the adoption process within the next 4 months and am looking to adopt from Ethiopia. So, every time I read your blog it makes me smile and I get even more excited because it just really feels like I am going to be doing the right thing. It may sound strange...but I feel a strong pull toward Ethiopia.

    Thanks again! I look forward to hearing more about their adjustment.

