Monday, July 16, 2007

Today's Fix

With success comes the pressure to perform.

It seems I’ve created an audience in the last week while documenting our adoption. To our knowledge we’ve had people visit from at least 44 states and 33 countries around the world. I’m feeling the pressure to write because I know people are coming to this blog for their daily dose of Neti and Meke. I took this week off work to be with my bigger family. I plan to slowly wean you of your daily fix so that when I return to work next Monday you don’t experience withdrawal.

Last night Rhonda’s sister called. Rhonda handed the phone to Meke. She loved it instantly - couldn’t understand a word being said but loved hearing her name. Before long Neti was involved. Here are a few short video clips illustrating not only our girls’ love for the phone, but also their mastery of the English language.


  1. I have indeed become part of your audience in the past week. I live in Michigan and somehow found my way to your blog a little over a week ago. I have become one of the folks who logs on daily to read about the updates on your family. Thank you for sharing your experience with have such a beautiful family both outside and in. I have been blessed by your story and look forward to reading more. We have learned so much through your stories and my husband and I look forward to using some of what we have learned when we travel to Ethiopia next year to pick up our infant daughter. May God continue to bless your family!

  2. Neti and Meke are so smart! I'm impressed with how much English they already know! Of course, they are also adorable!

  3. These girls are truly a blessing! Keeping up with your blog brings a smile to my face and a song to my heart! You are both truly amazing and have a beautiful family!

  4. The Girls are already better at math and at their days of the week than I am and I have been speeking english for 19 years. When it comes to the months though its a draw, however they can pronounce them better than I can. Congrats on having to girls who out smart a college sophomore.

  5. What bright girls. It's hard to imagine all they've been through in their short little lives...especially when you see their smiles & hear those precious giggles. Neti & are truly a blessing from God!

  6. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Thank you so much for this blog. My husband and I are just at the very early stages of adopting from Ethiopia (going through the home study now) and it's been a struggle to understand just what we can expect moving forward. Reading about your experience has helped tremendously and reinforced my opinion that we are doing the right thing. Best of luck to you and your family.

  7. Anonymous11:40 PM

    We will miss the daily posting terribly!!!! We love reading your posts! Book writing should be one of your goals!!! You have a knack for it! THANKS for sharing your blessings. I have even shared your blog with my Early Youth Sunday School class.
    ~Susan Jenkins

  8. Anonymous12:30 AM

    thanks for sharing..the videos are adorbable. i am really enjoying reading about your journey too! don't stop! all the best - jcn

  9. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I have become a huge fan of your blog! Your girls are the true "stars of the show"! They've won our hearts, too!
    I will miss your daily entries, videos and pics but certainly understand that one does need to work and provide for their family :+)
    Hopefully, it won't be too long until we too are posting from Ethiopia!
    Marissa in MI

  10. Guess it is time to find a new hobby rather than reading your bloggs! Really though it has been neat reading the updates and following through the prosses with you all. The girls are amazing as is your whole family. God certainly has blessed all of us who have read these bloggs through you all. I look forward to meeting the girls.
