Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Anatomy of a Hairdo

STAGE 1 - Anticipation STAGE 2 - The Fade
STAGE 3 - Reinforcements
STAGE 4 - The Nod
STAGE 5 - In the zone! STAGE 6 - You can do this!
STAGE 7 - Done

STAGE 8 - Time for bed and completely wired!


  1. Those are some of the most entertaining photos! Oh what joy girls are! Hubby and I really enjoy your blog! Your family is lovely!

  2. I love the last photo!

  3. Amanda and I love your blog. We are so looking forward to traveling to Ethiopia on the 25th of August to pick up our little guy. Thanks for the great updates, you have given us so many ideas for our blog as we travel soon. Praise the Lord for such beautiful children.

    Dave Duda

  4. Just how long does it take to do Meke's hair? Great Job! Neti's hair looks great also! Love from me

  5. Waal family,
    I just want you to know what a pleasure it is to read your blogs and see these precious girls with these huge grins...the same little ones I saw in the orphanage who were so shy and timid, yet you could tell excited about your coming...
    I am even happier to see what amazing parents they have who adore them, are full of grace and love the Lord. This is why I do what I do. Thank you for sharing your lives like this. your new job is so of the Lord and may you be blessed in all that you put your hands to.
