Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our Soccer Star!

Well, it turns out that something clicked for Neti on her third game of the season. She seems to have come to a better understanding of the game. She scored her first - and second - goal in one game. Here's the visual progression of the first goal.

She Scores!
Running the Length of the Field

Finding Her Coach!

Celebrating With Teammates

Running to Mommy and Daddy

Her first words to us at the end of the game? "I got two goalies!"


  1. Awesome! You go girl!

  2. Way to go, Neti! Sounds like you're a natural. :-)

  3. Anonymous1:35 AM

    looks like a pro! jcn

  4. Excellent job makin those goalies, love it! Wish we could watch in person. Thanks for the updates.

  5. is there a cuter picture ...than when your front teeth are missing???..I think not!
