Our Little Meteorologist
On the way to the football game...
Daddy: "We're going to stop at Wendy's"
Neti: "No windys, Daddy. Go to cloudys."
Our family just adopted two sibling orphans, Neti and Meke, from Ethiopia. This blogsite documents our thoughts and experiences on this journey.
On the way to the football game...
Lately we've noticed that Neti has a little bit more belly on her than when she arrived home 3 months ago (she'll love reading this when she's 16). Rhonda has noticed that Neti's always hungry whenever we arrive home from anywhere. Doesn't seem to matter what time of day or how long ago we've eaten, she wants food. Even if we've had an evening snack a few minutes earlier, Neti will often ask for food as we're going through the bedtime routine.
Yesterday was three months since the first day Neti and Meke came home. I cracked out the camera and made a little video.
One person who responded to our "Let's Make This Fair!" post asked how we decided to adopt. Were we united from the beginning or did one of us press the other? I've never told the genesis story of our adoption.
Today at the soccer match we got to choose. After last night's adventure it was two votes for the gray potty. Bigger is better.
Tonight was significant.
I've just spent the last hour sifting through the information you regular blog readers sent me at my request (see previous post). Over 40 of you responded. Thank you. I've printed them off. We're going to keep them in a safe place until Neti and Meke are old enough to read them.
I started blogging simply to keep close friends and family in the loop about our adoption. Somewhere along the way we were discovered by you and people like you from all around the world!
If you're not comfortable answering the first two questions, I'd be interested in #3 or #4.
Don't leave a comment! (Unless you're OK with the entire world seeing your info). Just send an email with your answers to this address.
By the way, if you answer question #5 you probably should get your mother's permission before going online.
Each night Rhonda and I take turns putting Neti and Meke to bed. We alternate days of laying down between them just to talk for a few minutes in the dark. Despite the darkness, I was distinctly aware of the constant smile I just could not wipe off my face.
Just before we met our girls a group called Visiting Orphans visited our girls in the orphanage. They produced a video to be shown to high school students. Neti and Meke happen to be the last images on this video. This is the only video we have of them pre-adoption. Even though this was only taken a few months ago, Neti and Meke look different to us for some reason.
Here's a link to Steven Curtis Chapman's site that happens to have a picture of our girls collecting money for orphans at the Toledo concert.