Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Neti, Food, and OOPS!

Lately we've noticed that Neti has a little bit more belly on her than when she arrived home 3 months ago (she'll love reading this when she's 16). Rhonda has noticed that Neti's always hungry whenever we arrive home from anywhere. Doesn't seem to matter what time of day or how long ago we've eaten, she wants food. Even if we've had an evening snack a few minutes earlier, Neti will often ask for food as we're going through the bedtime routine.

Yesterday, Rhonda sat Neti down and asked her about it. Neti replied something to the effect of, "If not eat food now, no food later." After some clarifcation, here's what seems to be going on. In Ethiopia, Neti was programmed to eat all of anything and everything placed in front of her, yummy or yucky, because the next meal wasn't always guaranteed. Consequently, she now eats when she's not hungry and often gorges when she's full.

Rhonda explained that "you'll never have to worry about food here. We always have food."


Somehow the crackers for Kindergarten snack time didn't find their way into Neti's backpack today. She came home crying. Oops.


  1. I find this same thing with our daughter who is 4 y.o. and came home 9 weeks ago. At least in the beginning she ate and tried anything. Now as of this last week she has barely eaten. Doesn't like anything and I struggle with if I should MAKE her eat, because then she will or if I just save it till she is hungry. I follow your blog because I find lots of similiarities!
    jen in mi

  2. Anonymous1:19 AM

    your writing - it touches on terrific issues in sometimes the most wonderul light hearted way. jcn

  3. Poor Neti! Talk about mixed messages. :-) I always have snacks in my desk (pretzels, crackers, etc...) if the snack ever runs away again. She's always welcome to come down!

  4. Same here, Mekdes always checkes her backpack before going to school. Making sure that she has enough food with her...

    Guess what, she now want's rollerblades? She saw a picture of Neti...

    Big hugg to Neti from Mekdes

  5. Ahhh...poor Neti. She probably will check her backpack everyday now.
