Saturday, October 13, 2007

Potty (part 2)

Today at the soccer match we got to choose. After last night's adventure it was two votes for the gray potty. Bigger is better.

Evidently, we're not the only ones of that opinion. With Daddy holding Meke in the proper position (I'm becoming a much more consistent aim) we were briefly visited midstream by a little furry rodent who scurried across my feet.Call it a shuffle. Call it a dance. Call it being surprised out of my wits, I held my ground! My feet moved - several times in short succession. Meke's bottom didn't. Everything ended up where it was supposed to!

Meke just squealed and laughed. "Again, Daddy!"


  1. Tracy, you have the greatest stories about adventures in parenthood. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Now that is funny! Way to keep things in their proper places! Glad it wasn't me in there!

  3. Better you than me. Don't think I'd have been as good at keeping my aim! :-)
