Friday, November 02, 2007

Catching Up

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. Things have really been crazy with yet more new stuff for our family. Maybe I'll fill you in on that later.

Quickly, to catch everyone up. This week Neti and Meke got new (to them) winter coats and their first exposure to American Autumn traditions. Meke couldn't bring herself to look the big gorilla with the Daddy voice in the eye for at least 3-4 blocks.


  1. TOO cute. Glad they weren't tramatized by the GIANT gorilla following them around. HA!

  2. Hey! You didn't have the gorilla on when you came to my house. All three girls look precious!

  3. I think it was the hawkeye colors that scared them. Maybe not... Looks like the girls enjoyed halloween.. it is the third best food holiday(behind Christmas and Thanksgiving). Can wait to see how you do on those holidays.

