Wednesday, November 21, 2007


On Monday we went to court to readopt our kids. I'm still not real sure what this accomplishes because legally our kids are our kids even without this step in the process. I think it has something to do with becoming citizens of the U.S. (at least that's what I've been telling people). We just do what we're told.

We went into this day thinking it was just an insignificant formality but it became a meaningful experience. One of the court officials found our blog several weeks ago and read it from beginning to end. Before getting down to the "official" business of the court, she began sharing our story with everyone there. Our photographer (one of Rhonda's friends) became an instant blubbering crybaby. We ended up giving out our blog address to several of the court officials before leaving.

I left thinking "It's official. These are our kids".

Of course, in our hearts that had already happened nearly a year ago.


  1. Congrats on the readoption! If they ever wonder, you can tell them that you wanted them SO much that you adopted them twice! ;)

  2. Congratulations on being told by the court officials what you have already known - these girls are yours. Sometimes government paperwork makes me laugh.

  3. Hey, maybe you can take an adoption credit twice this year? ;)
    So glad that it is final/final. The girls look very happy to belong to you. Someday we'll have to see them in person.

  4. Congrats on the finalization of the adoption! I had a couple of cute ways to say but then I read the comments and see that everyone already said them!!! So DITTO!!!

  5. Wow! Monday must have been a very special day for the Waal family. You can tell the girls are happy - what a cute pic! Congratulations...again. :-)

  6. Congratulations! What a lovely photo and a great memory!

  7. I like Jen's idea of telling them you wanted them so much that you adopted them twice. Congratulations on the readoption making it official what you already knew in your hearts!

  8. Congratulations! Our readopt was a horrible let-down but when we left, we were just so excited that they were finally "ours", in everyone's eyes.

  9. Oh yes. They are your kids! Congrats friends!
