Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mr. Mom

This post is dedicated to all you moms and dads out there who do this everyday...

Rhonda works two nights a week at the hospital. On the days following I'm responsible for getting the kids dressed and transport them to and from school. Usually it's pretty straightforward. However, today we had the dreaded 2-hour inconvenience - er, uh - delay. Sometimes these are caused by natural phenomena like snow, ice, or fog. But every once in awhile the school administration PLANS them. Today was such a day - a planned interruption to a parent's day.

Now, I'm my own boss. I'm guessing my schedule is more flexible than those who work for "the Man". I'm wondering what those with "real" jobs do with their kids. I didn't punch the handyman clock until 3:30PM, simply because I was running kids around all day.

8:45 - Drop Meke off at preschool
9:15 - Take Kailey and the neighbor girl to the bus stop
9:40 - Haul Bethany and friend to school
10:40 - Drop Neti off at school
11:30 - Pick Meke up from preschool
2:15 - Bethany home from school
2:45 - Kailey home from school
3:20 - Meet Neti at the bus stop

3:30-5:30 - Handymanning work...FINALLY!!! (I was so excited that I backed my truck into a fence. Broken tail light.)

5:30 - Make diner for everyone
6:00 - Rhonda off to her next 12-hour shift
7:00 - Pick Bethany up from basketball

Hats off to all of you who do this everyday.


  1. Eeee gadzzz! I think of this often. I have my own business too and cannot even fathom how two full time working parents can get the flexiblility and have to deal with the stress of needing the flexibility to be parents!!


  2. Hats off to you too!!
    My hubby took two weeks off of work during the Christmas break and was ready to go back to work after the 2nd day!! LOL!
    The last couple of days I have been so sick I couldn't get out of bed and he had to do some of the running and he now understands my Full Time job!!
    Your'e a great day! The girls will remember the sacrifices!!

    AW FAM

  3. Isn't that crazy. When people ask me what I've been up to, I always have a hard time saying anything significant because I can't really say what I've accomplished, other than running around, picking things up, walking around the house putting things all feels so unproductive, but we know that it's actually not. Thanks for sharing...I'm always amazed too at how working people do that!
