Monday, March 10, 2008

8 Months

Here's where we were eight months ago...

...and here's where we are now...


  1. It's amazing what a couple of big hearts and a lot of love can do, isn't it? Your family is such a blessing! Thank you for obeying God's call!

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Wow! That is almost unbelievable!! But, awesome! :)

    Hey, Tracy & Rhonda... I'd love to ask you guys a few questions about adopting older children... :) Is there any way you could email me your phone number & maybe we could set up a time to chat? Please email me at markandkatieredfern (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thanks!

  3. How precious! Thanks for letting us continue on this journey with you & your family! Love you all!

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    love it you guys! we always love watching your vids...

  5. Gabe couldn't believe the difference in such a short time. What a treasure all of your girls are!

    With Love,

  6. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I've never posted before, but I wanted to let you know that about 9 or so months ago, I found your happened to be the day after we submitted our application to an adoption agency to adopt an older child from Ethiopia. I wasn't having second thoughts exactly, just REALLY nervous at what we were about to undertake...and then I stumbled upon this blog. You happened to be in the middle of your trip in Ethiopia to adopt your girls. What a gift that was for me, and what a sign that what we were doing was right. I followed your story eagerly during the following months of paperwork and waiting but found the last few months too busy with preparation to tune in much. I've wanted to write ever since that first day, but most especially since we arrived home with our 3 year old son. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your family with us. It helped more than I can say and I will be forever grateful. Your entire family is beautiful, both the original members and those that you added this last year. Even now, as we've been home nearly 5 weeks and I struggle with whether we are giving him everything he needs, were we right to take him away from his culture and his home, will he learn English or forever speak this wonderful broken sign language we've developed...I see your girls and know that we will be OK.

    Thank you and please know you've meant so much to me and I am sure to others around the world.
