Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A T-Shirt Story (Part 2)

(Believe it or not, this one's true too!)

Yesterday, another mother in Belgium was looking at our blog with her daughter, Mastewal, who was adopted from Ethiopia a few months ago. When they came across the post called, A T-Shirt Story, the little girl looked at the picture with astonishment. She was pointing at our youngest adopted daughter, Meke, wearing a pink ladybug shirt.

Meke donned this shirt the July day we took her and Neti home from the orphanage. Since we brought clothes for both girls, we opted to leave the shirt at the orphanage, knowing they'd continue put it to good use.

Later that same month, a 7-year-old little girl arrived at Kid's Care orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. One morning her caretakers chose a pink ladybug shirt for this little girl named Mastewal.

The shirt was a perfect fit - so perfect that it made the trip all the way with her across the sea with her forever family in Belgium, where her mother will read her "A T-Shirt Story (Part 2)" tomorrow.

The End.


  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Hello, I observe of pink T-schirt a photograph and also once see, however, mark it am and it is fabricated.

    To make it complete trousers would have would be still retrieved, but yes…

    with love

    Ingrid, Gino, Andres* and Maithé (Mastewal)
