Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A T-Shirt Story (Part 5)

Last week, another mother in Belgium was reading our blog with her daughter, Yeabsera, who was adopted from Ethiopia in August. When they came across the post called A T-Shirt Story the little girl recognized the purple striped shirt immediately. In May of 2007 the six-year-old's caretakers told her that a forever family had been found. They chose the purple striped shirt for Yeabsera to wear for the official government photos that had to be taken.

Two months later that same shirt would be worn by Netsanet (Neti) on the day she went home with her forever family.

And in October a little girl named Tsion would wear the shirt home to her forever family in Belgium.

According to the tag the shirt was made in India and imported to Spain (one of the countries Kid's Care Orphanage serves).

The brand name of the shirt is, appropriately, Exit Kids.


  1. Ohhhh...it just keeps writing itself! How fascinating.

  2. What a wonderful story! I have to agree - complete book material!

  3. I LOVE THE T-SHIRT STORY!!! God is so GOOD! What a grand story to share!
    Blessings, Jori
    WFR 02/19 either x2
