Monday, December 15, 2008

Book Winners

Well, the contest is officially over today. It became so difficult for our family to determine the winners that we finally just put your names all in a hat and did the random thing. Congratulations to all of you on your adoptions. We'll be sending the books out to the winners tomorrow morning. Hopefully, you'll have them for Christmas.

  • Jason & Shelley from Tenessee are adopting 2 children internationally
  • Lisa from Ohio adopting 1 internationally
  • Jenny from Indiana adopting 1 domestically
  • Jackie & Josue from Ohio adopting 1 internationally
  • Emily from North Carolina adopting 1 internationally
  • Ashley from North Carolina adopting 1 internationally
  • Matt and Kerry Ann from Utah adopting 1 internationally

As a consolation prize for the rest of you here's my favorite Christmas video of all time - our girls experiencing their first snow.


  1. Thanks! Can't wait to read it!

  2. Thanks so much!! Merry Christmas!

    Ashley in NC

  3. Thank you so much! Have a Merry Christmas! I can't wait to get the book.

  4. Thanks so much for the book! I got it yesterday & already started reading it! :) Have a blessed Christmas!
    Jackie Gomez

  5. Just LOVE that video!

  6. I sent you an email about seeing Neti on tv, but not sure if you got it or not!!!
    Claire from BC, Canada

  7. I hope you don't mind that I've put a link to your blog on ours. I'd love our adopting families to have access to as many families as possible who've also adopted from Ethiopia. Your story is beautiful!!
    God's best blessings,
    Adoption Ministry of YWAM - Ethiopia
