Saturday, October 06, 2007

Pre-Adoption Video

Just before we met our girls a group called Visiting Orphans visited our girls in the orphanage. They produced a video to be shown to high school students. Neti and Meke happen to be the last images on this video. This is the only video we have of them pre-adoption. Even though this was only taken a few months ago, Neti and Meke look different to us for some reason.

If the link above doesn't work, try typing into your browser. GIVE IT SOME TIME! You'll likely only see a white screen for quite awhile before it downloads.


  1. Bummer, couldn't see it every way I tried! :(

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Hi Tracy
    Tried both linkage ways and the screen comes up empty - so I tried just his website and then finding it - and his site requires some kind of code.

  3. Hmmm. I don't know what's going on. It works on both my computers. It's a Quicktime file. Maybe you should go to the Quicktime website and download the latest free updates???

  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    It worked for me! :) I just clicked it, left it alone for a few minutes (it was white at first), & opened a new tab to start browsing other sites. It just started on its own... :) Cute video! :)

  5. What a sweet video! How wonderful to have this video of them pre-adoption. Do they still have their stuffed animals? That is so precious. Thank you for sharing.

