Friday, November 21, 2008

Contest Coming Soon!

You've probably figured out by now that I quit blogging exactly one year after we brought our girls home. Since then life has "normalized". No need for futher blog entries. Since I still get emails from people who use twomorewaals blog in their decision to adopt, the blogsite will remain online for all to read (or reminisce).

This post is for those of you who are either thinking of or are in the process of adopting. Several months ago a publisher who found the blogsite asked permission to use several posts for a new book titled "Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family" (just published this fall). I get paid for our contribution in copies of the book. I only need one copy. I'll give away the rest (and even pay the shipping fees).

So, be looking for a post in the next several days with details on how to enter the "contest). It'll be easy, I promise. No essays. Just a few questions to answer.

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