Wednesday, July 09, 2008

One Year Later

The day we first met... ...and exactly one year later.


  1. Oh how time flies! Great pics and a beautiful family! Very inspiring.

  2. One year already, congratulations! And posts like these always make me all weepy.

  3. Just thinking today that the year anniversary was this week. Congratulations Waals! Time to get a move on the next few additions....

    Thank you SO MUCH for your help on Sunday-the shop vac is my new best friend.

  4. I can't believe it has only been a year! It seems as if Neti and Meke have always been a part of your family.

    One thing that amazes me about the two pictures is how much Bethany and Kailey have grown! You don't realize it when you see them in person, but to compare the two pictures is amazing.

  5. hi there! my name is shelley and we have followed your blog for several months. early in our "adoption calling" God used your family actually to inspire us to adopt two ethiopian children. so we are in the process of adopting twins. should be another 7-9 months. after seeing your post today i just had to ask if you took your older daughters with you to ethiopia? we plan on taking our daughter, but worry if that is not a good decision. i would love to hear your perspective on that... our blog is thanks so much! congrats and happy 1 year anniversary!

  6. Like traci - the girls growth is what jumped out at me...I can't believe they grow that fast....

  7. Happy 1 Year!
    We have been thinking of you guys as we celebrated one year anniversary too! We love following your blog! It would be great to connect with you sometime and share stories - yikes!
    Layne and Tanya

  8. God's, like, SO good. Thanks for making me cry (in a good way) again you big lug.

  9. What a beautiful family!

    As a fellow adoptive parent, I thought to write and tell you about the new guest home in Ethiopia specifically for adoptive parents and volunteer groups for the benefit of orphans in Ethiopia. Now that it is up and running, we would love to share the vision with other adoptive parents. You can see more at

    If you would like to post a link, send me an email at and I’ll forward you the information.


    Dave McIlrath, MA
    Orphan Advocate
    Ethiopia Guest Home
    More Than a Place to Stay

  10. wow, such a great and nice family.
    congrats and happy 1 year anniversary!

    bhagwan aap sabhi ko hamesha khush rakhenge.........
