Tuesday, July 08, 2008


It's hard to believe, but a year ago tomorrow we met our little girls for the first time. To celebrate I compiled a list of my 10 favorite moments (at least the ones I've blogged about) since the adoption. It’s tough to put them in order, but I’ll try.

10. Hide and Seek – Typical of the type of fun Neti and Meke like to have with Daddy.

9. Sunday Apples – I love the innocence of a little girl trying to impress her Daddy with her ability to count in English.

8. A Night of Significance – This was my first solo flight with the girls in public. Three months of English was just enough to make the communication barrier a bit awkward. You may know this as Potty (part 1) and Potty (part 2)

7. Easy to Buy For – Neti’s standard reaction to her first ever Christmas is priceless.

6. A Lesson in Parenting – Early on we tried to strip Neti of taking on the unhealthy role of being “mom” for her younger sister. However, even before she spoke English she had some great parenting instincts.

5. Traveling With Meke – Rhonda’s sickness forced Meke and I to connect on the long plane ride home from Ethiopia.

4. SNOW! – This magical video has received more comments than any other blog entry.

3. Neti’s Gift – For a little girl struggling with the loss of everything familiar to her, THIS is a “being Dad’s worth it” moment!

2. Meeting Neti and Meke – Here’s a short video I posted from the Ethiopian Hilton the night after our family became complete.

1. Love, Daddy – OK, it’s not a moment but still captures the heart of it all.

Honorable Mention
These didn’t make the cut, but are still worth the mention:


  1. Even though I remember most of these posts...I've taken the time to go back & watch or read them all again. I'm smiling thinking of you, your family, the precious new additions, and how richly God has blessed your family. Your #2 post clearly states it..."It's just another ordinary miracle today."

  2. We are "waiting" for our children from ET (thru AWAA). I went back to each of the posts you selected for this one year marker. I cried through so many of them. What a beautiful family, what beautiful memories! The last one I watched was the one called "Hope". That's what your post gave to me - hope that one day soon, we will have a few brown eyed babes joining our family. Thanks!

    Blessings! - Sherry
